Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 2

This was a strange day. Woke up and Jamie and Ian were already at the soccer tournament. It felt cold in the house. The heater wouldn't light, called a service place (first one to answer their phone). Our heater was shutting itself off because the heat exchange was cracked. Totaled. Its a safety shutoff that prevents dangerous stuff from happening. Water got in there this summer when the AC wasn't working. We were lucky enough to get a new one but it hurts $$$.

Made ok progress on the room. Tackled the short wall and got 1 package of insulation placed. I'll staple after the AC is run.

The 3 gang old work box will have to go. I think I knew it all along but just didn't want to think about it. Picked up a bunch more insulation at H.D. There is a little crawl space at the back of the house that I will be able to get into when the wall is down and then never again. I'm going to take the opportunity to stick R30 in there while I have the chance. Its going to suck though crawling 30 feet down to the other end of the house.

My wrists and triceps are a little sore from the drywall pulling. Back is holding up pretty well though.

Going to clean the lines in the beer miester. Ended the dry streak with a keg of 60 minute IPA. Drinking a complimentary Latitude 48 from Hatboro Beverage. Mmmm complimentary.

Pictured for fun a squirrel that massacred one of our pumpkins. Notice his orange face.

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