Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 3

Fell behind today.

This morning I added two receptacles around an existing one on the first wall. Used quick connects for the first time. It hard to understand why people still use wire nuts.

After I ripped down the 3rd wall and cleaned it up. This was the worst wall so far, there was a corner strip that was brutal to remove. I was literally hanging on it at one point and it wouldn't come off. 9 bags of wall to the garage. Sadly I have to take back what I said about the insulation. In the outer walls its just a foil vapor barrier.

Only one more wall to go.

Had a nice lunch with Jamie and Erin. Erin and I made a bunch of dog bone shaped salami bits with a cookie press together. Erin calls Kit Kats "Kitty Cats".

After lunch I think I had one more small section to pull down, then I cleaned up (again) and wired another 2 receptacles on the 3rd wall.

Then insulation cutting and placing. Took a while because the cape has all the angle cuts, and of course there are the non-16 inches on center ones. Then stapling. Dinner then more stapling. I kept thinking of the Simpson's today. Knife goes in, guts come out.

Hands go it, wall comes out...

I am ready to move on to wall 4 tomorrow. Since I have to do the crawling behind the wall thing I think it will probably take me close to all day. I had hoped to be dry walling by day two.

My hands are pretty raw already, I think after tomorrow it will be easier on them though. Hoping toward the end of the week that I can ease up and spend some time with the kids. I lost an hour after dinner somehow. I was stapling and then it was 1.5 hours later.

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